...Im already going to make my boyfriend something for our one year anniversary, something creative and sweet, like making him a blanket and printing pictures on it but I would also like to give him a gift I have bought. I was wondering if a guy that age would like a silver ring with Our names engraved on the inside, or sort of a promise ring, for a gift. He doesn't wear jewlery but I wouldnt expect him to wear it I just think it would be a nice gift. Would you 16-17 year old guys like that or what would be something else you would like??
Then scratch the ring idea, is there anything else a guy would like??
(question posted on 2006-08-09 07:19:31)
"rings=big commitment, if its buying then maybe like mp3 player and store all ur "couple songs" as most couples have certain songs."
(answered by Ak2ng)
Source: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20060809071931AAf1GjS
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