...I have given her flowers, candles, my poems, back rubs, CDs, and a ring in the past. Does anyone have a new idea or suggestion? Thanks in advance for your help; it is greatly appreciated.
(question posted on 2006-07-02 16:33:52)
"Just some ideas for you to build on...
1.) you could make her a romantic card or several,
with whatever you think is personal and caring and romantic,
2.) you could play tennis or other games with her,
3.) you could ask her over to watch your favorite show together alone if you have the opportunity
4.) you could go for a walk or go somewhere you can watch the birds or water flowing, or have a picnic,
5.) you could also do foot massages though she may get spoiled and expect it more often,
6.) you could write her more poems and do more of what you're doing.
7.) don't miss any chances to say an "I love you" or other complements"
(chosen answer)
Source: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20060702163352AAFsDs0
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