I need help with an anniversary gift idea?...

...My partner and I are celebrating our year and half anniversary. I need a gift idea. I want to create him something but I don't know what to make. Does anyone have any ideas?

"make one for him?good idea.
you have been dating for one year,so you must have taken a lot of pictures,i think you can make a digital album for him.this is a good way to share your pictures.and after the album is finished,you can burn it in a blank DVD,then give it to you boyfriend,
when he watch the album,he remember you.that's good,right?
this software may help you do that,Digital Album Master,adding background music,making slide effect...it can do that easily.
you can get it from http://www.makemymtv.com
and remember,this may need a little time to prepare.
but if you do this well,he will be moved.trust me.when you share the album together,he will know exactly how much you love and care him.and you sweet time can be saved in a meaningful way."
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